Innovating the EV Game: National Grid’s Three-Pronged Approach to Successful Adoption

Innovating the EV Game

Learn how National Grid worked with integrated marketing agency Mower to create awareness, increase education and provide incentives to generate excitement for electric vehicles while enhancing communities, improving the environment and creating EV fans along the way. In Upstate New York, Mower worked with the utility to transform how people think, feel and do when it comes to electric vehicles. In this session you’ll learn how Mower and National Grid launched a holistic campaign resonating with all stakeholders: one that empowered businesses, exceeded customer expectations and transformed internal audiences into passionate EV advocates. 


Stephanie Crockett – Executive Vice President – Managing Director, Mower 

Stephanie is the leader of Mower’s Energy + Sustainability specialty group. Drawing on her 20+ years in marketing and communications, Stephanie is an expert in utility marketing and has led product innovation, branding and clean energy adoption programs for a variety of global and regional energy companies including National Grid, FirstEnergy, ConEdison and GE. She is at the forefront of digital consumer engagement and sales and marketing integration through marketing automation and analytics. Stephanie has presented utility marketing strategy and insights during the last several EMACS Conferences, as well as for numerous energy and marcom organizations, including ENERGY STAR®, USGBC, NASEO and LeadsCon. 

Ariella Cohen, Product Owner of Clean Transportation, National Grid

Ariella Cohen is a Product Owner in National Grid’s clean transportation group where she is responsible for developing and managing products that enable electric vehicle adoption. Prior to this role, she worked as a project manager in the company’s Customer Energy Integration group, helping interconnect solar and energy storage projects. Prior to National Grid, Ariella worked for the New York State Energy Research Development Authority managing commercial energy efficiency projects. Ariella holds an MBA with a concentration in entrepreneurship and innovation from Tel Aviv University (magna cum laude) and a Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies from Connecticut College (summa cum laude).