Industry Benchmarks and Best Practices: Chartwell’s Q4 Quarterly Review

Date: Wednesday, December 16

Time: 2 - 3 PM ET

Please join us for our quarterly round-up of Chartwell's recent research in the areas of outage, billing and payment, and customer experience.

  • Russ Henderson on the Customer Experience for Estimated Time to Restoration (ETR)
  • Noah Solomon on the changing landscape of Credit Card Fees
  • Scott Johnson on customer communication preferences for different messages


  • Russ Henderson - Research Manager, Chartwell, Inc.
  • Noah Solomon - Research Manager, Chartwell, Inc.
  • Scott Johnson - Vice President, Chartwell, Inc.


  •  I.S. Dunklin - Director of Data Analytics and Research, Chartwell, Inc.
credit card fees customer communications etr quarterly review