Chartwell’s 2020 Communication Benchmark Report now available
Rebecca Harris, Data Analyst –
2020 saw a new age of letter-writing for all correspondence.
Like many of you, I began writing letters with a quill on parchment last summer, and I have not stopped! And it is not only personal communication that changed. We have all enjoyed receiving handwritten notes from our colleagues, dentists, local grocery chain, and even utility companies for all our business needs. We have all learned patience as a we wrote a note to a colleague, affixed it with a wax seal, gave a shilling to a courier to send it across town, and anxiously awaited a reply about a change we made in a spreadsheet. Like many of you, I threw out my computer with its now-useless keyboard and word processor and fully embraced the world of paper and ink.

April fools, of course. While last year was a year of new hobbies for many of us as we restructured our lives, electronic communication continues to grow in importance. Respondents to Chartwell’s 2020 Communications Industry Benchmark Survey identified expansion of digital communication and personalization as the top influences on communications in the utility industry.
Over time, email, social media and utility websites have replaced mail and the bill as the most important customer communication channels. At the same time, consumers have become less interested in utility messages overall, leading to an increased need for personalization.
Chartwell’s Communications Industry Benchmark Report goes into depth on communication channel trends and other findings from the 2020 Communication Survey. Download your copy today to reach more about segmentation, marketing spend, email metrics, video communications, contact center marketing and more.