SCE Adapts to Evolving Crisis with Resilient Communications
Between unexpected rotating outages, wildfires, an increase in repair and maintenance outages, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the year 2020 put SCE’s crisis communications to the test and the utility found itself needing quick, significant improvements. With the help of Message Broadcast, the utility closed communications gaps and found ways to better serve its customers. SCE ended the year above its target goals and 2019 performance for outage customer experience net scores. During this session, learn how SCE leveraged existing systems and channels to send customers customized notifications and other vital information.
Luis Lara, Sr. Business Analyst, SCE
Luis Lara is a Sr. Business Analyst for the Outage Communications Team within SCE’s Business Customer Division (BCD). His primary role is to support commercial and government customers on escalated outage-related issues as well as educate customers on SCE’s wildfire mitigation strategy and Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) protocol