Sustaining Customer Outreach during a Prolonged Service Disruption
In October 2018, a natural gas transmission pipeline owned by Enbridge ruptured, impacting the delivery of natural gas to 1 million FortisBC customers. FortisBC immediately pulled together a company-wide team and launched a crisis communications campaign to protect the utility’s corporate reputation and encourage energy conservation efforts during the crisis. Within two days of the pipeline incident, the utility had reached the vast majority of its customers through a variety of communication channels and content types, including videos, maps and graphics.
Attend this webinar to learn how FortisBC persevered with its outreach efforts throughout the winter months as the pipe was repaired and other transmission lines returned to maximum operating pressure, utilizing an array of social and paid media channels. FortisBC took home Chartwell’s 2019 Bronze Best Practices Award in Communications for the campaign, which resulted in high recall among affected customers.
- Diana Sorace – Corporate Communications Advisor, FortisBC
Diana Sorace is a senior communications professional with over a decade of experience in media relations and communications. She has been with FortisBC for nearly three years in a media relations/corporate communications role to build and maintain a positive reputation for the company and educate customers about the company’s organizational commitment to a lower carbon future. Her work involves keeping customers informed (through the media) about potential impacts such as rate changes, educational initiatives and new campaigns. She also connects with media to tell positive stories and provide information on emergency situations.
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