Current Surveys

Benchmark Your Performance and Improve

Ready to accelerate excellence? Your participation in Chartwell surveys offers many advantages:


Your voice and insights make a difference. The data collected through Chartwell research surveys guides advancements in products, services, and overall utility industry practices.


Accessing survey data often provides access to the latest industry trends and knowledge. You gain a deeper understanding of current issues and how they might be addressed.


Help shape the future of the utility industry. Insights from survey data can spark creative solutions and lead to the development of groundbreaking products and services.

Business Customer Care Survey

Topics include:

  • Business customer segmentation
  • Programs and services
  • Communications
  • Staffing
  • And more!

Click the button below to contact us about taking this survey.

Payment Survey

Topics include:

  • Payment methods and channels
  • Vendors
  • Payment arrangements
  • Prepay
  • Emerging technologies

Click below to participate and help identify industry-wide trends and best practices!

Chartwell Services

Our membership services can help your utility identify strategies to impact customer experience and operational efficiency: A research subscription to our Insight Center membership allows unlimited access to hundreds of research reports, case studies, benchmarks, webinars, and more. Our peer-to-peer Leadership Councils, focused on customer-facing areas such as billing, outage, CX, vulnerable customers, EVs, business customers, emergency management, and organizational resilience provide collaborative, utility-only peer networks. Our post-event transactional benchmarking study called Tranzact enables utilities to compare their customers’ outage experience perception with peer utilities. Chartwell Advisory Services and Executive Services provide leadership development with industry experts.

Learn more about our services