Crisis or Opportunity? Lessons from a Life in Communications

Date: Wednesday, September 6th

Time: 2 – 3 PM ET

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A pair of larger-than-life Canadian communicators from Manitoba Hydro and Hydro Ottawa share lessons from long careers in communications, reflecting on how to turn crisis into opportunity and examining industry trends in communication. These trends are demonstrated by the winners of Chartwell’s 2023 Best Practices awards in Communications: how to engage and educate consumers on sustainability, energy conservation and efficiency through means as varied as social media influencers to children’s books.

Canadian utilities Chartwell's Best Practice Awards children's book communications energy conservation social media

Moderator & Speakers

Steve Waters
Director of Councils, Chartwell, Inc.
Scott Powell
Director, Corporate Communications, Manitoba Hydro
Daniel Séguin
Director, Communications and Public Affairs, Hydro Ottawa
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